ALC Staffing

ALC Staffing, for when you need a little extra help. Our caring team is there when you or a loved one need additional assistance in the comfort and safety of home. Our clients have as much independence as they want with the knowledge that personal care and support services are available to provide assistance with basic activities of daily living.

Service plans are individualized to match your needs, such as bathing, grooming, dressing, and more. ALC staff will make sure that you
will always feel confident, safe, comfortable and cared for.

ALC helped ensure that Mom could stay at home even with her mobility issues. Our ALC aide gave Mom the help she needed and all of us peace of mind that she’s being well looked after. 
Jane Thompson

ALC Staffing Services

Shower Service

Assistance with:

  • Bath
  • Shower
  • Sponge Bath
  • Shaving Face – electric razor only

Daily Morning Service

Assitance with:

  • Getting out of bed
  • Toilieting
  • Dressing
  • Oral hygiene
  • Grooming
  • Making the bed

Daily Evening Service

Assistance with:

  • Toileting
  • Changing for bed
  • Oral hygiene
  • Getting into bed

TLC/Continence Checks

Peace of mind visits

  • Visual reassurance checks to observe well-being and overall safety

Laundry Service

Assist with washing, drying, folding and putting away (Client must provide detergent and any required fees)

Medication Reminders

Caregiver will remind client to take medicatgions at specific times – fee varies by number of reminders throughout the day.

Customized Package

Create a package that best suits the individual’s needs. Call for more information.

ALC Staffing is available throughout the ALC service area. Our providers work closely with clients and their families to deliver personalized care in the comfort of home. They begin by conducting assessments to understand the client’s needs and preferences, creating customized care plans. We coordinate closely with family members to ensure continuity of care and keep you informed. We adapt care plans as needs evolve, offering flexibility and support. We believe communication is key to fostering trust and providing peace of mind regarding your loved one’s care.

Contact us to discuss a personalized care program for your loved one. Call (708) 409-2318 or email